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100th Day of School


If you'd like to help our Amazing Staff Appreciation Committee with their fabulous 100th Day of School surprise for the Welch Staff, check your email for details (it's a SURPRISE, so we don't want to post the details publicly!) If you need us to send it again, just email


Here are several ways you, your friends and families can contribute without spending anything extra!!


 Join the PTA and Join a Special Interest Committee


-Keep your Box Tops and turn them in Monthly


-Help us earn up to 4% on your purchases with the Safeway escript program by going to


- Link to your Taget REDCard Debit Card or Credit Card and the school earns 1% by going to


- Earn eBoxTops with your Safeway Club card by clicking here


-Keep you Redner's Receipts, turn them in to the PTA


- Each time you shop on Amazon we earn! Sign up at



- Sign up to earn more Box Tops at


- Mighty Nest will give Welch Elementary PTA 15% of your purchase if you sign up at



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